Monday, March 30, 2009

6:30 Tonight - TweetUp Time

The Tuesday Tweetp is tonight, Dockgate 4 Piano Bar Southampton.

Bring business cards, clients, collegues and friends to the first official TuesdayTweetup.

We have the downstairs bar and barman exclusively for the Tweetup..

Get there early, 6:30-7:00 for 50% of all drinks.

See you at the TweetUp.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

24 days

In just 24 days @tuesdaytweetup and has witnessed significant activity.

  1. @tuesdaytweetup has 125 followers and is following 181.
  2. 62 people have voted in the attendance poll.
  3. Non twitters have seen facebook and linkedin entries.
  4. Dockgate 4 has agreed to get the wifi back up and running.
  5. Thanks to @jtonline the tuesdaytweetup is now listed on homecoming
  6. @theroryjackson has volunteered to film the event.
  7. The tuesdaytweetup got a mention in the business pages @dailyecho

Continue to follow @tuesdaytweetup for up to the minute information about the event - It's happening on Tuesday 31st March at Dockgate 4 Piano Bar from 6:30pm.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Promote Your Business / Blog Or Twitter Account

There could be an opportunity next week to promote your business, your ideas or your twitter account. Please send images for the huge screen slideshow - to

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who's attending the tweetup next Tuesday?

The word is out, on twitter, facebook and linkedin, everybody is wondering about it and contemplating it.

The following people are seriously considering attending the tweetup next week:-

  • Some of the top Winchester twitters - check out twitter.grader.
  • A freelance website designer and developer based in Portsmouth.
  • Some of these are attending
  • Some guys and gals who teach online marketing at the University.
  • A Personal Trainer, Kettlebell Coach and Yoga Teacher.
  • Plenty of PR and media professionals.
  • A Brutal wordsmith and cunning linguist.
  • An ex-city spinner frustrated hack, social commentator, communications misfit & rather clever PR guru.
  • Someone who wants to be the next Dr Who.
  • An applehead, biker, web geek, unix geek and a bloody nice bloke.
  • Some people who don't get Twitter but are on facebook and must be converted.
The date Tuesday 31st March, the time 6.30pm the place Dockage 4 Piano Bar Southampton

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tribe Gathering

This weeks tribe gathering winner has to be @adammanning (bio:- Lawyer, actor, film-maker, environmentalist, space cadet and kung fu student), who has been promoting the tweetup at work, with friends and on the site

Monday, March 16, 2009

What's A TweetUp

noun, A real world meeting between two or more people who know each other through the online Twitter service.

Its for all those addicted to twitter and those just getting the hang of it - to share ideas and TweetUp.

@Tuesdaytweetup is organising the time and the place for people to meet, to have a few drinks, exchange ideas and to just "TweetUp"

Its kicks off at 6:30pm at Dockgate 4 Piano Bar on the 31st March and yes you are all invited.


After a twitter from @TheRoryJackson I'm thinking maybe TuesdayTweetup should consider crowdsourcing.

I'm starting to wonder, with the followers attracted to @tuesdaytweetup, whether there's something in crowdsourcing for the Tuesday Tweetup. Should I throw out an offer to all those attending for you to suggest ideas that will help make the 31st March an evening to remember?.

The event is for you to network, to catch up and to share ideas. We have the time and the place, we have the bar man and the background music. Is there something more the event could have?

Let me know your thoughts - email

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Winner of the Week

The first TuesdayTweetup winner of the week has to go to @icicle_halo_ who managed to get @RuthBarnett sky news' twitter correspondant to re-tweet the tweetup details.

She had close contenders for the title, @clar_key, @dailyecho , @spindrwoody and @lisaharris all have been actively promoting the tweetup - the more its promoted the more fun it will be on the 31st March.

Keep your eyes peeled for next weeks Tuesday Tweetup winner of the week.

What A Week

Tuesdaytweetup launched a week ago and what a week its been.

@tuesdaytweetup is following 127 and is being followed by 75 twitter members.

The website is live with 36 votes on the attendance poll.

A facebook event set up

A linkedin group published

And countless people are now getting behind it, twittering about the Tuesday Tweetup.

The date and venue is secured 31st March at Dockgate 4 Piano Bar from 6:30.

Lets see how it grows in the next couple of weeks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tuesday Tweetup Momentum Increasing

The Tuesdaytweetup is gathering momentum with @alexbainbridge, @lisaharris, @dailyecho and @sccevents all supporting the event. Many followers have asked to know more about it. What's a Tweetup? What's the format? What's the focus?

It's an event for anyone on Twitter. Bring your business cards., your collegues, your clients or your friends. It's an opportunity to socialise, to catch up and to meet your followers and people you are following

The venue is exclusively for the Tweetup, it's a bar with a bar man and some background music.

Let @tuesdaytweetup and your followers know if you are going to attend the Tuesday Tweetup.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Whats A TweetUp

noun, A real world meeting between two or more people who know each other through the online Twitter service.

Its for all those addicted to twitter and those just getting the hang of it - to share ideas and TweetUp.

@Tuesdaytweetup is organising the time and the place for people to meet, to have a few drinks, exchange ideas and to just "TweetUp"

Its kicks off at 6:30pm at Dockgate 4 Piano Bar on the 31st March and yes you are all invited.

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